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data validation

I am writing a loan calculate with data validation. My maximum loan amount is 1,000,000 and I am using the method below to validate. When I enter 1,000,000 into the program it comes back with my error method. I thought (d >= max) would allow me to go up to and including my max. Can anyone see a problem with this method or is it possible I should be looking elsewhere in my code for a problem.

Any help is appreciated.

public static double getDoubleWithinRange(Scanner sc, String prompt, double min, double max)


double d = 0.0;

boolean isValid = false;

while (isValid == false)


d = getDouble (sc, prompt);

if (d <= min)



"Error! Number must be greater than " + min + "." );


else if (d >= max)


System.out.println("Error! Number must be less than " + max + "." );



isValid = true;


return d;

//Get input from user System.out.println("DATA ENTRY"); double loanAmount = getDoubleWithinRange (sc, "Enter loan amount: ",0, 1000000); double interestRate = getDoubleWithinRange (sc, "Enter yearly interest rate: " , 0, 20); int years = getIntWithinRange (sc, "Enter number of years: ",0,100);


  1. you are saying if the amount is greater than or equal to one million cause an error. you want to say if it is greater than show an error

  2. Use else if (d>max), since you want up to 1,000,000 (and 1,000,000 can be included).


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