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Showing posts with the label user-interface

HTML/JavaScript UI widgets GUI builder

I've heard and used some of the libraries like Ext JS, qooXdoo, jQuery UI, dijit. I know there are unofficial attempts to create GUI builders but they are not really great. Any chance there is a HTML/JavaScript UI widget library with a decent GUI builder? Source: Tips4all

iOS UI elements porting on Android

ladies and gentlemen! Very often on my job I meet the following requirement from the client, when developing android applications: "make it look like and iPhone app". Yes, I know, that the best way is to offer him canonical Android design with all these patterns like dashboard, using menu button etc... But sometimes this is not the case, as instead, I have to make it look and animate just the same. It's frustrating. Can you guys, please advice me an android library (if there is one) with iOS-like UI elements? Many thanks in advance, I'm looking forward to hearing from you! Source: Tips4all

Minimum sensible button size on iPhone

I'm designing an iPhone app that features a rather large set of onscreen rounded rect buttons. Given finger-based touchscreen UI, what do you think would be the smallest sensible button size? I need to fit as many of them as I can in the viewport without compromising the usability too much. Maybe there's an Apple-recommended minimum size? Right now it's 33x33, and it looked OK on a simulator, but I was playing with the app on a real phone last night, and it was awkward - the buttons felt too small.

Android: How to fire onListItemClick in Listactivity with buttons in list?

I have a simple ListActivity that uses a custom ListAdapter to generate the views in the list. Normally the ListAdapter would just fill the views with TextViews, but now I want to put a button there as well. It is my understanding and experience however that putting a focusable view in the list item prevents the firing of onListItemClick() in the ListActivity when the list item is clicked. The button still functions normally within the list item, but when something besides the button is pressed, I want onListItemClick to be triggered. How can I make this work?

Why do some AlertDialogs disappear upon device rotation?

When I change device orientation, if AlertDialog was shown, it disappears. This is true for all but one dialogs in my app, and I can't figure out neither what's so special about the one that doesn't disappear nor how to counteract this behaviour. Any possibility to preserve dialogs upon orientation change (except for manual management)?

Stretching a HTML Input Box alongside additional input?

I'm using jQuery on this site, which has form inputs. I'd like one particular field to get longer (width) as the user enters data and space runs out. How can I calculate when I ACTUALLY need to make the input ( type="text" ) longer? What works for one browser may not work for all browsers. Is this something that can't be calculated, so everybody does it based on trial and error within each browser? Will I need to resort to this and tweak stretch values with a .keyup() that checks the value?.. EG.. $(".stretchInput").keyup( function(event) { var someValueAdjustedByTrialAndError = 30; var stretchPastLength = someValueAdjustedByTrialAndError; var stretchBy = 5; var baseWidth = 100; if ($(this).val().length > stretchPastLength ) { $(this).css('width',(baseWidth + ($(this).val().length - stretchPastLength ) * stretchBy ) + 'px'); } else { $(this).css('width',''); } });