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Showing posts with the label firefox

Dialog Click listener not triggering in IE8 or Firefox with jQuery

I have this click listener and for some reason it's not triggering in IE8 or Firefox: console.log("listener attached"); jQuery(".ui-button-text").click(function() { console.log("this should have triggered"); var ajaxUrl = '/ajax.php?popup=true'; var dataString = "param="+param+"&param2="+param2; // contruct the ajax request jQuery.ajax({ url: ajaxUrl, dataType: 'json', data: dataString, beforeSend: function() { jQuery(".ui-button-text").html("Saving..."); }, complete: function() { jQuery(".ui-dialog-content").dialog("close"); }, success:function(response){ } }); }); So I can see the "listener attached" in the console, but I don't see the click trigger, this works in...

About the BLOB datatype in MySQL

I have stored an image in MySQL using the BLOB datatype. I am able to retrieve image through JSP but when I use Chrome or Firefox browser I am unable to view the image. It is displaying in an encrypted format. Can anyone please help me?

Can we capture the same browser closing event without using “onunload”

Actually using the window.close , we can control whether browser is closed or not, but it works only for pop-ups created by the browser. So, are there any ways to listen to the closing event of the browser without using onunload ? Because we don't want things to be executed when back , refresh or forward actions occur. Please also reply if you know specifics regarding Firefox. Thanks in advance!

How can you control window focus in Firefox?

I'm trying to open a pop-up window but keep the opener window in focus. This is pretty easy in everything except Firefox. This will suffice for most browsers:'gets-opened.html', '', 'width=600,height=400,status=0,scrollbars=1,toolbar=1,menubar=1,resizable=1,location=1'); window.focus(); In Firefox, the opened window maintains focus. I realize that there is a setting for Firefox to allow JavaScript to "raise or lower" windows and that this is disabled by default. I have seen sites that are able to get around this, though. Kayak is one example. When you select other providers to compare against from their search, the new windows go behind the main window, even with "raise or lower" windows disabled. How are they getting around this? I realize that this is a security measure to prevent annoying pop-unders, but it seems odd that, from a pop-up window opened on the same domain, I can change the HTML in the opener window ...