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Showing posts with the label flex

GravityManager.getGravity() returns null

I'm trying to implement Gravity from GraniteDS. I did everything like in example from GraniteDS website, but when I'm trying to get gravity from servlet context, GravityManager.getGravity returns null. Here is the code: Gravity gravity = GravityManager.getGravity(contextManager.getServletContext()); What can be the reason of this error?

Flex iOS app version has huge font size?

I have an Android/iOS app that is almost complete, my only issue is that my iOS version has a huge font size on TextFields, whereas the Android version works perfectly? Both apps work fine when I'm testing on my computer, but when I test on the devices (iPod 4G and Galaxy S) the Galaxy S displays the font as shown on my computer but the iPod displays the text in huge letters. It's for an input textbox so it's a big deal as you can't even see what you are typing in the letter are so big!! I'm not sure what the issue is? Is there something I can add/look for to make certain the size? My is primarily coded in AS3 and I've attempted with a CSS file which looks like this: @font-face{ src: url("fonts/Incognitype.ttf"); fontFamily: IncognitypeEmbedded; fontWeight: normal; size: 10;} Any help would be awesome! Thanks!

How can I navigate to a url programmatically with a correct referer header?

I have a flex application that uses the actionscript navigateToURL function to go to another system. However, a third party app that needs to be integrated checks for valid links by looking at the HTTP referer header, and it seems like that header is blank when using a navigateToURL call. Is there a way in actionscript or javascript to programatically generate a url and go to it with a correct referer header?

can javascript-based charting component be integrated into Flex/AS3 web app?

I'm relatively new to flex, and I'm developing a web app that needs to plot relatively large data sets (e.g. 20,000 pts divided among 8 separate curves) in a line chart. Flex built-in chart components render too slowly. Two part question: Would javascript line chart render faster than Flex line chart? If so, is it possible to use a javascript-based charting solution instead of flex component, within the Flex application? Or, is this an impractical (or crazy) idea? Anyone doing this out there? How simple or complex is it? I'm hoping it's relatively easy to integrate a pre-developed solution like EST JS, HighCharts, etc. to simplify development.