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Showing posts with the label gwt

Biggest GWT Pitfalls?

I'm at the beginning/middle of a project that we chose to implement using GWT. Has anyone encountered any major pitfalls in using GWT (and GWT-EXT) that were unable to be overcome? How about from a performance perspective?

How to layout widgets using DockLayoutPanel and UiBinder in GWT 2.0?

I'm trying to get a simple layout working under GWT 2.0 using UiBinder. The layout I'm trying to get is one that mimic Java's BorderLayout in where you can specify different panels in the north, south, east, west and center directions; for that I'm using DockLayoutPanel. I would like to get a header and footer, both with fixed width. The remaining viewport space would be occupied by the widget assigned to the DockLayoutPanel center slot.

GWT Custom Event Handler

Can someone give me an example of creating a custom set of an Event and a Handler. Say you have a Person object that you want your widgets to know if it got updated. You create a HandlerManager and now you have to create an Event and a Handler. How would you define those classes so that you can subscribe and fire events? Most of the Events are DOM based, while I want to create some custom events and handlers that I can fire outside of any browser-based event.

How do I create ComboChart in google GWT(Java) with multiple Series and a secondary scale?

Adding Multiple series to the ComboChart with different graph types is straightforward, but I am not able get the targetAxisIndex set against a particular series. Any thoughts/Working examples for this? I looked at the google charting tools javascript examples, but not able to translate the same to Java.

EJB - GWT. Notificate GWT(javaScript) client about some events happened

I want to make document printing service using GWT(javascript+servlet) and EJB. What is the best way to cause EJB to notificate GWT client about some event is happened? Of course, I can make it with using Timer (send request to EJB with some interval), but may be exist some more elegant way? (for example with callback, but I dont understand how to release it). P.S.: I will use multitier architectur: JavaScript(GWT)+Servlet(GWT RPC)+EJB. And i working on document printing service (i want to notificate client that some file(s) is printed (also will be good if you give me advice of making progress bar)). Thanks!

How to allow user to enter only the letters, no numbers and other characters

I want to implement TexBox where user can input only letters. When user enter numbers or invalid characters, near TextBox must appear Error message. Like this: