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Showing posts with the label twitter-bootstrap

Using bootstrap-modal as Backbone.js view

I am attempting to create a Backbone.js view based on a Twitter bootstrap-modal, which makes use of Backbone's automatic event delegation via the events attribute of the view. Unfortunately, bootstrap-modal seems to break Backbone's event delegation as it clones the view HTML before displaying the modal: that.$element .appendTo(document.body) .show() My view: App.Views.ProjectsNav ||= {} class App.Views.ProjectsNav.NewProjectView extends Backbone.View events: { 'click .save': 'save', 'shown': 'shown' } save: (e) -> ... false shown: () -> App.Helpers.Forms.setFocus($(@el), true) false render: () -> $(@el).html(ich.nav_edit_project_template(@model.toJSON())) @$('.modal').modal({'show': true, 'keyboard': true, 'backdrop': true}) @ The corresponding (Mustache) HTML template: <div class="modal hide" style="display: none; ...

Using bootstrap-modal as Backbone.js view

I am attempting to create a Backbone.js view based on a Twitter bootstrap-modal, which makes use of Backbone's automatic event delegation via the events attribute of the view. Unfortunately, bootstrap-modal seems to break Backbone's event delegation as it clones the view HTML before displaying the modal: that.$element .appendTo(document.body) .show() My view: App.Views.ProjectsNav ||= {} class App.Views.ProjectsNav.NewProjectView extends Backbone.View events: { 'click .save': 'save', 'shown': 'shown' } save: (e) -> ... false shown: () -> App.Helpers.Forms.setFocus($(@el), true) false render: () -> $(@el).html(ich.nav_edit_project_template(@model.toJSON())) @$('.modal').modal({'show': true, 'keyboard': true, 'backdrop': true}) @ The corresponding (Mustache) HTML template: <div class="modal hide" style="display: none; ...