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Showing posts with the label favicon

Adding favicon to javascript Bookmarklet (uses

I have a bookmarklet that launches a javascript function to open a small window with my bookmarklet -- an external feature used to communicate between any visted site and my server. I'd like for a favicon to show up when the bookmarklet is added to the bookmark toolbar. I realize that the bookmarklet is javascript, there is no domain tied to it so it's going to be either difficult or impossible to achieve this goal. My understanding of the problem: Favicons are easy to understand, a link within the head of an HTML doc. The browser can pull this when bookmarking an actual site by reference. However, as you see my bookmarklet is ran off a javascript launch code where there exists no HTML, therefor no link to a favicon . I'm not ready to give up yet though, I feel that there's some injection that can be made... As of now, the bookmarklet launch code looks like this: Current Script -- bookmarklet, no favicon (note all code is formated with line break...