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Showing posts with the label robotium

force android tests to run on different emulators from command line batch file

How can I run my android junit/robotium tests from the command line on every single emulator? I want to make sure my tests run on many android OS versions and many screen resolutions. I'd like to write a batch file that runs from the windows command line to run my test suite over and over again on each emulator I have installed. To run from the command line I can do this: adb shell am instrument -w com.myapp.client.test/android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner but that just runs it on the default emulator. How can I force that command to run on all of the emulators I have setup? Ideally, the batch file would looking something like: launch emulator1 run tests close emulator1 launch emulator2 run tests close emulator2 ... I don't know how to do the launch and close part. Thanks EDIT: Found solutions. Below is my batch file set PORTRAIT=medium set LANDSCAPE=large :: launch emulator emulator -avd android2.2 :: wait for emulator to l...

Robotium side scroll not working for me

I want to scroll left/right on an android application using a Robotium/Junit test. There is a function in Robotium called: solo.scrollToSide(int); But, what do I put for the int? what is the value for RIGHT and what is the value for LEFT? I tried 0,1,2,3, and 4... no luck :( Thanks EDIT: I found the answer. RIGHT is 22 and LEFT is 21.