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Showing posts with the label core-location

What causes (and how can I fix) this odd Core Location error?

ERROR,Generic,Time,320195751.128,Function,"void CLClientHandleRegistrationTimerExpiry(__CFRunLoopTimer*, void*)",Registration timer expired, but client is still registering! There are only a few mentions of this problem that I was able to dig up in the wider Internet, and nobody has useful info. Here's the context: I have an app that monitors the device's location via CLLocationManager's startUpdatingLocation method. It starts monitoring, runs for a little while, then this message pops up in the debug output. From that point forward, no more location updates are delivered. This error is killing the location functionality of the app, and I'm at a loss as to what may be causing it. It even has an exclamation point at the end, which means it's clearly an exciting error. Update: Though I never found a solution to the problem, or figured out why it happens in the first place, I've also lost the ability to reproduce it. This seems to have h

GPS and draw MapRout in iphone

I have a latitude and longitude that is fixed, so I used that and got the point in mapview with pin. Now I want the current location and draw route, so I think using gps I get the latitude and longitude. Using this location(latitude & longitude) I have to draw a route with my fixed value (latitude & longitude). How is it possible..? Is this is the right way to do it? ?How to draw the route with two point..? I have used the delegate method but it doesn't call, - (void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager didUpdateToLocation:(CLLocation *)newLocation fromLocation:(CLLocation *)oldLocation { [manager stopUpdatingHeading]; NSLog(@"latitude=%f",newLocation.coordinate.latitude); NSLog(@"longitude=%f",newLocation.coordinate.longitude); }