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Showing posts with the label facebook-javascript-sdk

How can I make the Facebook Like button"s width automatically resize?

I'm implementing the Facebook Like Button , but I'm running into some trouble with the width. I'm using the JavaScript SDK implementation, not the direct iframe. According to the documentation, the default width is 450 . That's fine, and I understand that the width can be changed by way of the width attribute on the <fb:like> tag. However, my problem is that I really cannot specify a fixed width. Due to the nature of the button, the width is not constant in all states. For example, if no one has liked the page yet it displays "Be the first of your friends to like this"; if someone has, it displays "XXX people like this. Be the first of your friends"; and still if you have liked it, it displays "You like this" or "You and XXX people like this." In other words, there are many states of the button, none of which share a constant width. This wouldn't be much of a problem if it weren't for the fact that I want...