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Why is this Javascript much *slower* than its jQuery equivalent?

I have a HTML list of about 500 items and a "filter" box above it. I started by using jQuery to filter the list when I typed a letter (timing code added later):

$('#filter').keyup( function() {

var jqStart = (new Date).getTime();

var search = $(this).val().toLowerCase();

var $list = $('ul.ablist > li');

$list.each( function() {

if ( $(this).text().toLowerCase().indexOf(search) === -1 )




} );

console.log('Time: ' + ((new Date).getTime() - jqStart));

} );

However, there was a couple of seconds delay after typing each letter (particularly the first letter). So I thought it may be slightly quicker if I used plain Javascript (I read recently that jQuery's each function is particularly slow). Here's my JS equivalent:

document.getElementById('filter').addEventListener( 'keyup', function () {

var jsStart = (new Date).getTime();

var search = this.value.toLowerCase();

var list = document.querySelectorAll('ul.ablist > li');

for ( var i = 0; i < list.length; i++ )


if ( list[i].innerText.toLowerCase().indexOf(search) === -1 )

list[i].style.display = 'none';


list[i].style.display = 'block';


console.log('Time: ' + ((new Date).getTime() - jsStart));

}, false );

To my surprise however, the plain Javascript is up to 10 times slower than the jQuery equivalent. The jQuery version takes around 2-3 seconds to filter on each letter, while the Javascript version takes 17+ seconds! I'm using Google Chrome on Ubuntu Linux.

This isn't for anything really important so it doesn't need to be super efficient. But am I doing something really dumb with my Javascript here?

Source: Tips4all


  1. You could try using textContent instead of innerText , I think it should be faster. Also timing the list-generation and loop separately would tell if there is problem in list-generation.

  2. Another best practice for javascript speed is caching the list.length in a variable and calling the variable like:

    l = list.length;
    for (var i=0;i<l;i++):{ code here}

    And maybe timing with jsperf would be better.

  3. I used while instead of for and did some minor improvements. Here is the final code.

    var list = list = document.querySelectorAll('ul.ablist > li');
    document.getElementById('javascriptFilter').addEventListener( 'keyup', function () {
    var jsStart = (new Date).getTime(),
    search = this.value.toLowerCase(),
    i = list.length - 1,
    while( i >= 0 )
    listItem = list[i];
    if ( listItem.textContent.toLowerCase().indexOf(search) === -1 ) = 'none';
    else = 'block';

    result = ((new Date).getTime() - jsStart);
    console.log(['Time: ', result, '<br />'].join(''));
    }, false );


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