I have googled and done lot of research from my side to find out why the reloadData method on tableview wouldn't work. I checked all the possible solutions like the datasource is set, delegate is set, the tableview is connected to the file's owner. After all these, when I am trying to reload the tableview, the no. of rows method gets called, but the cell for rowAtIndexPath doesn't get called. Below is the code that I have written. Please let me know, where I am going wrong - (void)onReservationListSuccess:(NSArray *)rData { if ( rData != nil ) { resList = [[NSArray alloc] initWithArray:rData]; if([resList count] > 0) { [self.tripsTableView reloadData]; //[self.tripsTableView beginUpdates]; //[self.tripsTableView reloadSections:[NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndex:0] // withRowAnimation:UITableViewRowAnimationNone]; //[self.tripsTableView endUpdates]; } else { [tripsTableView reloadData]; ...
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