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Showing posts with the label compilation

Compile PHP with GD for iPhone OS 4.1

The Goal: have a working version of PHP with the GD library working on an iPod Touch 4th Gen. The Status: PHP is working on the iPod (lighttpd + PHP 5.2.8 + sqlite3) without GD. When trying to compile PHP on the iPod I get this error: The Proposed Solution: Can anyone point me in the direction of how to compile PHP with GD and then package it up nicely as a .deb file for everyone else to use? The best situation I believe is to compile the latest version of PHP with the GD library included and enabled. Second best would be to settle for compiling GD as a module and then installing that into the currently working PHP that is available from Cydia. However to compile GD you would have to do this with the SAME source that was used to create the php_5.2.8-3_iphoneos-arm.deb available from Cydia - I think it would be easier and safer for everyone in the future to just compile a fresh PHP with GD already enabled and then pack it up as a .deb Here...