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Showing posts with the label jquery-mobile

Page contains error in android phonegap wit h jquery mobile. Please help me i m in real need

I have deployed android application made with phone gap, and I haven't problem with emulator and web browser.But when i install that application on android tablet (samsung galaxy) device it shows following error when i click on cell of table. Application Error: The web page contains an error. (file:///android_asset/www/tips_list.html?act=SET_TIPS_LIST&cid=1) In my application I am displaying list of categories in table and when user click on any cell of table it will navigate to its subcategory page. It works fine in emulator but crashes in tablet.

AJAX to Sharepoint Server with Phonegap and JQuery Mobile not working

I have the following Problem. In the Phonegap App(for Android) I want to make an AJAX-Call to connect with a Sharepoint Server, with the following Code: $.ajax({ url:"https://xxx/_vti_bin/lists.asmx", beforeSend: function( xhr ){ xhr.setRequestHeader( "SOAPAction", "" ); xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type","text/xml; charset=utf-8"); }, dataType:"xml", contentType: "application/xml; charset=utf-8", timeout:10000, type:'POST', cache: false, username: "username", password: "password", data: soapEnv, success:function(data) { // alert data var serializer = new XMLSerializer(); serialized = serializer.serializeToString(data); alert(serialized); }, error:function(XMLHttpRequest,textStatus, errorThrown) { // alert errors aler...

Access mobile device camera from a grails application using jquery mobile

I have a grails application using jquery mobile. I am hoping to find some way to access the camera on the devices. I thought about using flash to grab the webcam but that obviously wont work on Apple devices. Does anyone know of a way to do it and keep it all browser based? I am hoping that there is a plugin somewhere or maybe html5 has some magic in there that supports it.

jQuery Mobile Form Date Input Format

I've got a simple form as part of a jQuery Mobile site which includes a date field: <input type="date" name="contactNewInspectionDate" id="contactNewInspectionDate" /> I'm trying to establish the format of what is submitted for these type="date" fields. So far I'm seeing something like this: 2012-02-16 for February 16, 2012. Is YYYY-MM-DD always the submitted format for these date fields? If that is the case can anyone recommend the easiest way to parse the individual elements out using PHP (Date, Month, Year)? Many thanks, Steve

Testing various versions of iPhone Safari

I am developing a jquerymobile App, and things are looking good in IOS5 with the most up-to-date version of Safari, I really need to test some older versions of Safari and its Webkit to ensure things are looking good for most browser versions. I realise I can fire up an old version of xcode with SDK4 , and test IOS4, but what I really need to test is the various versions of Safari, does anyone know how to do this? I'm assuming it is possible to upgrade Safari without upgrading your IOS.

Html file (located on the SD card) linked with jQuery mobile shows without formatting when viewed from Android Browser

I have developed a mobile application using jQuery mobile, and deployed it on the server. When I access the file on the server, from the Android Browser, it loads fine and all the styles and scripts are applied. However, when I take the jQuery Mobile folder along with my html file and put it on the SD card on the Android phone, and then refer to the HTML file on the SD card (using file:///sdcard/myFolder/myFile.html), using the Android Browser, it does not pickup any of the styles (and jQuery does not run fine) and shows only an HTML page without formatting. When I did the same thing (accessing the HTML file on a file system like C://myFolder/myFile.html) from Google Chrome on my computer, it worked fine. What could be the problem with the local file (placed in the SD card) not showing correctly on the Android Browser?

jQuery Mobile – Toggle enable and disable state of a radio button

I have a radio button that I would like to be able to enable and disable through jQuery Mobile. Radio button code: <input type="radio" disabled="disabled" value="option1" /> tried: $('input[type="radio"]').removeAttr('disabled'); and $('input[type="radio"]').attr('disabled', ''); Neither of which seem to be able to toggle the button to enabled.

Html file (located on the SD card) linked with jQuery mobile shows without formatting when viewed from Android Browser

I have developed a mobile application using jQuery mobile, and deployed it on the server. When I access the file on the server, from the Android Browser, it loads fine and all the styles and scripts are applied. However, when I take the jQuery Mobile folder along with my html file and put it on the SD card on the Android phone, and then refer to the HTML file on the SD card (using file:///sdcard/myFolder/myFile.html), using the Android Browser, it does not pickup any of the styles (and jQuery does not run fine) and shows only an HTML page without formatting. When I did the same thing (accessing the HTML file on a file system like C://myFolder/myFile.html) from Google Chrome on my computer, it worked fine. What could be the problem with the local file (placed in the SD card) not showing correctly on the Android Browser?

jQuery Mobile – Toggle enable and disable state of a radio button

I have a radio button that I would like to be able to enable and disable through jQuery Mobile. Radio button code: <input type="radio" disabled="disabled" value="option1" /> tried: $('input[type="radio"]').removeAttr('disabled'); and $('input[type="radio"]').attr('disabled', ''); Neither of which seem to be able to toggle the button to enabled.

current location needs page refresh in Jquery mobile

i have created an application in jquery and google maps javascript v3 , in which i am displaying a user's current location after a button click. Now the problem is some times i got pretty fine current location and sometimes at the same place its showing my current location miles away but again when i refresh the page i again got the pretty fine current location. does anyone know how to get rid off pressing refresh button again so a user doesn't has to press the refresh on their mobile browser ?? Note: I am testing this application in android phone which has a default browser. Page #1 has a button and Page #2 has a map but the Page #1 and Page #2 are combined in a single jQuery HTML page.

Solved - Edit jQuery Mobile nested-list - Event

I'm trying to add a clicked elements into a jquery mobile nested list. I'm having no problem adding the item but I'm having problem changing the text and url on the item (link). I can see the correct list about 0,5 seconds before it refreshes and everything is the same. What event can I use to edit a list-item after being listed? I've tried to run the code from firebug console and everything works , see code below: var test = $('.ui-page-active .ui-listview > li > div > div a').first().text(); var data = $('body').data('mobilMenu'); var url = $(data).find('a').filter(function() { return $(this).text() === test; }).attr('href'); $('.ui-page-active .ui-listview > li > div > div a').first().text(test +" - hovedside"); $('.ui-page-active .ui-listview > li > div > div a').first().attr("href", url); This solves the problem $( "[...

Bug with jquery-mobile: listview("refresh") and buttons, on Opera Mobile

I'm testing jquery-mobile with Opera Mobile browser. There are bugs, which are visible on both Opera Mobile Emulator and Opera Mobile on mobile device. On both they are occuring randomly (often, but not always). The most visible is with refreshing list with listview('refresh'); call. Sometimes the changes are not visible, and the pure HTML before the modifications is displayed. But after tapping the device the changes became visible. And also, some clicks on buttons does not work. Most of the time it works, but sometimes the button need to be pressed a few times. JQuery version is 1.6.4, jquery-mobile version is 1.0. Did you find similar bugs, or know what is causing them and how to prevent them? I think that jQuery-mobile is using some unstandard behaviour, which is working on other browsers, but is causing bug under Opera, because most of the apps works fine, but some are causing problems only under Opera/Opera Mobile.

Page is not found by the Iphone simulator when using ajax /Jquery Mobile-PhoneGap

I am creating a webapp for iPhone using jQuery Mobile and PhoneGap. Everything works fine in Safari for Mac and Chrome for Windows. When I go to the iPhone Simulator the problems begin. Every button with a link to any page works fine except for one called "Article.html". The only way to open this page from the app is to turn off ajax by doing rel="external". I have done everything in order to get it work. I have deleted the file and brought it back via add -> existing file with not luck. The content of the page "Article.html" is very simple and I don't think that is the problem because it doesn't even load the page. The loading symbol stays there for ever. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <!--jquery and css files are being loaded in another page--> <title>This Date in History</title> </head> <body> <div data-role="page" class="type-interior" id=...

Page is not found by the Iphone simulator when using ajax /Jquery Mobile-PhoneGap

I am creating a webapp for iPhone using jQuery Mobile and PhoneGap. Everything works fine in Safari for Mac and Chrome for Windows. When I go to the iPhone Simulator the problems begin. Every button with a link to any page works fine except for one called "Article.html". The only way to open this page from the app is to turn off ajax by doing rel="external". I have done everything in order to get it work. I have deleted the file and brought it back via add -> existing file with not luck. The content of the page "Article.html" is very simple and I don't think that is the problem because it doesn't even load the page. The loading symbol stays there for ever. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <!--jquery and css files are being loaded in another page--> <title>This Date in History</title> </head> <body> <div data-role="page" class="type-interior" id=...