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Showing posts with the label vcard

Convert image data to binary text for vcard

I need to include an image in a vcard file. The image is supposed to be in binary format. I create the image data as follows: NSData *imageData = UIImageJPEGRepresentation([UIImage imageNamed:@"Pic1"], 1.0); I have unsuccessfully tried encoding using the following 2 methods: vcardString = [vcardString stringByAppendingFormat:@"PHOTO;ENCODING=b;TYPE=JPEG:%@\n", [imageData base64EncodedString]]; AND vcardString = [vcardString stringByAppendingFormat:@"PHOTO;ENCODING=b;TYPE=JPEG:%@\n", [imageData description]]; Any advice on how to get the image data properly encoded to binary would be appreciated. Thanks