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Showing posts with the label mysql

Can something "bad' happen via img src?

I know, I know, title is quite bad, but I'll try to explain what I mean here. So, I ask my members to show their photos. They upload it somewhere, then paste their photos' URL into input and I save it to my database (MYSQL). Then, the photo is being seen on their profiles. I get the URL from database and do something like that: <img src="<?=$photo;?>" height="123px" width="123px">"> where $photo is URL taken from MYSQL. Is it totally safe? Can somebody upload for example .php file and harm my website? Do I need to check if URL's ending is .gif, .png, .jpg?

"How the sausage is made' tour of apache/php/mysql interaction

I am having trouble understanding how apache/php/mysql stack works on a low level (including interaction with the browser). Is there a good description somewhere (a book, a website, etc) that will walk me through the whole path and explaining how starting with a browser reqesting a url, http requests is being sent, how apache talks to php, how php talks to mysql (persistant and non-persistant connections), etc, etc. I want to understand what waits for what in this chain, where timeouts are handled, how long sockets are opened and closed. A book, an article maybe? There is a lot of documentation on each individual component, but I can't find a "walkthrough".

mysql separating tables

i made a mistake and i have to split 1 table into 2. i have a product table and i need category table. when i started i only had 1 category per product but not (with new business requirement) i need the ability to put a product in multiple category.

My alernative to nested sets for arbitrary-depth hierarchical data sets: Good or Bad?

While recreating my CMS, I wanted an alternative to the traditional parent/child approach for managing the sitemap / page hierarchy. I had remembered seeing the nested set model a while back, but couldn't remember what it was called. So, I stumbled upon a similar approach that I want to evaluate and compare the properties, making sure I won't run into dumb limitations later on because I didn't go with what is already time-tested. So, please advise if A) it's already been invented (what's it called?!), B) there are fundamental flaws in the properties, or C) it's a good approach (please give good justification!).