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Showing posts with the label itunesconnect

Get itunes link for app before submitting

I read in another post that you can submit the app without the binary but I based on what I have seen this is no longer possible. It seems you cannot submit without the binary and the binary is submitted through the application loader. Is there any other known way to get the itunes/app store link to my app before I submit the binary?

Deleting an app in iTunes Connect

Apple has introduced the possibility of deleting an app. Quoting the iTunes Connect guide: If you have created an app in iTunes Connect that you no longer need to see or manage, you can delete it from your iTunes Connect view. Deleting your app will not allow you to re-use your SKU or App Name and you will not be able to restore your app once deleted. So far so good. Then it gets slightly confusing: If you are selling your app to another developer for their own distribution and need to remove it from your iTunes Connect account, we recommend that you use App Delete so the App Name will be freed up for their use. Does this mean that I won't be able to reuse the name in my account, but other accounts will? Has anybody tried this?

InApp purchase doubts [closed]

I am doing a book reder application in iphone The data is in sqlite,there are five books. There are five UIButtons with button title as book name. For e.g., book1, book2, book3, book4 .... If the user wants to read the above books, he should do a payment in iTunes using InApp Payments. If the payment is correctly done for that particular book, it need the corresponding button to enable for click action, in default it is disabled. Is this possible to do a payment only in inapp and get a payment id. is there any other way for doing the same?