I wrote a simple relay script that connects to a web camera and reads from the socket, and outputs this data using the print function. The data is MJPG data with boundaries already setup. I just output the data that is read. The problem is PHP seems to be buffering this data. When I set the camera to 1 FPS, the feed will freeze for 7-8 seconds, then quickly display 8 frames. If I set the resolution to a huge size, the camera move at more or less 1 frame per second. I assume then some buffering is happening (since huge sizes fill the buffer quickly, and low sizes don't), and I can't figure out how to disable this buffering. Does anyone know how to? Code: ignore_user_abort(false); $boundary = "myboundary"; //Set this so PHP doesn't timeout during a long stream set_time_limit(0); $socketConn = @fsockopen ("", 1989, $errno, $errstr, 2); if (!$socketConn) exit(); stream_set_timeout($socketConn, 10); fputs ($socketConn, "GET /mjpeg HTTP/1...
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