Just to give little update before putting my question.... I've been able to come up with some additional features on the jqgrid that I'm using (after going through many forums) including: copy-paste back and forth from Excel to jqgrid, edit cell on keypress and dblclick, copy and paste multiple cells from one block to another on the same grid using mouse selection (from here Using Javascript to 'sum selected cells' in IE6 ) Most of the copy paste features works on IE only as of now. I save all the changes together on "Save" button click so all the updates on the cells are on screen only until user hits the "Save" button. Although, things are still in flux right now, I'd like to have the implementation design on paper now than later. I'm looking for an easy way to UNDO only the LAST change. I've been thinking of using jQuery's "data()" and "removeData()" methods to implement this but if there is anything al...