Jailbroken iPhones get on my nerve as it taints some fundamental APIs on iOS, by using MobileSubstrate. http://www.iphonedevwiki.net/index.php/MobileSubstrate I believe many apps use UDID as a mean to authenticate a device and/or a user since it's semi-automatic and handy, but you should be aware of this problem: UIDevice is not as tamper-proof as it should be. There's an app called UDID Faker, which easily enables you to spoof someone else's UDID at runtime. http://www.iphone-network.net/how-to-fake-udid-on-ios-4/ Here's the source code of it: // // UDIDFaker.m // UDIDFaker // #include "substrate.h" #define ALog(...) NSLog(@"*** udidfaker: %@", [NSString stringWithFormat:__VA_ARGS__]); #define kConfigPath @"/var/mobile/Library/Preferences/com.Reilly.UDIDFaker.plist" @protocol Hook - (NSString *)orig_uniqueIdentifier; @end NSString *fakeUDID = nil; static NSString *$UIDevice$uniqueIdentifier(UIDevice<Hook> *self, SEL sel) ...
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