I'm using yamlbeans to deserialize yaml files into Java objects. This works fine as long as I only have one class. The problem is when I want to nest a field, I am forced to specify the nested class in the yaml description. Single class example: Java: public class MessageField { public String name; public String type; public int length; public String comment; } yaml: name: field1 type: int length: 4 comment: first field --- name: field2 type: string length: 16 comment: second field --- Multiple classes (requires !com.mylib.VariableField in yaml file) Java: public class MessageField { public String name; public String type; public int length; public String comment; public List<VariableField> variableFields; } public class VariableField extends MessageField{ public int id; } yaml: name: field3 type: short length: 2 comment: variableFields: - !com.mylib.VariableField id: 1 name: nestedField 1 type: string le...
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