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Showing posts from May 9, 2012

Why does mp4 video plays fine on iPad, not on iPhone?

I'm quite stumped on this issue. I have a large library of H.264 mp4 video files that I need to have play on iOS. Originally, I was targeting only iPad, but requirements have changed and now I need to include iPhone. But I've noticed that my iPod Touch, which has exactly the same OS version and build id as my iPad, won't play the same files that I've been successfully using on the iPad. I've confirmed this with a colleague who also has an iPhone and iPad with the same version & build. I've also seen the exact same behavior in the iPad simulator, but until now I figured it was a quirk of the simulator. Now I'm not so sure.

Edge Detection of Image in iPhone Using Image Magick

I want to convert RGB image into Below Image. I am using ImageMagick Library . I want help to know that by which functions i can convert in Original Image into Image-2. Here is below two images. I would like to use Only ImageMagick Library. I would like to do Image Processing simillar to this Link in Objective C.

Custom UITableViewCell redraw issues

I have a custom UITableView cell that I've added a textbox to for editing, that shows and hides based on the edit mode. I've also tried adding a vertical line that shows when editing, and it does that, but I'm running into some drawing issues. I just added a green checkmark rightView to start working on input validation feedback, and I'm seeing similar issues.

Exclusive CSS for iPhone/Android

I'm making a mobile-friendly stylesheet for a page of mine. Is there a simple way to make it show that stylesheet to iPhone/Android users? Or do I have to pull the user-agents and figure it out that way - and how do I do that?

how to split strings in objective c

How to split a string in objective-C? I am working on an short application that contains a date picker. I do display date get it from date picker and display it through a label. My main question is that how can I split the the date in to three separate strings? any one has idea about it? thanks Muhammad Naveed

iPhone google maps v3 pans after pinch zoom

I have a problem developing a web application for iPhone. When I visit a simple example like in an iPhone and do pinch zoom the map pans when I release the fingers from the screen. This makes the map end up somewhere else than the place I zoomed to.

Disable built-in spell checking on Ice Cream Sandwich

So this is a fairly odd problem: I am currently working on an app using the latest SDK/ADT with my android:minSdkVersion set to 8.

layoutopt is missing

I knew layoutopt tools through the dev guide,but I can't find layoutopt tools in sdk tools directory.what's wrong? I use sdk manage to update all version of the tools.

Android can"t open keycharmap file

12-21 11:30:29.707: W/KeyCharacterMap(30665): Can't open keycharmap file 12-21 11:30:29.707: W/KeyCharacterMap(30665): Error loading keycharmap file '/system/usr/keychars/qtouch-touchscreen.kcm.bin'. hw.keyboards.65538.devname='qtouch-touchscreen' 12-21 11:30:29.707: W/KeyCharacterMap(30665): Using default keymap: /system/usr/keychars/qwerty.kcm.bin

Why doesn"t the demokit program for the ADK compile in Arduino?

I have a pretty good understanding of Arduino and Java, and I decided to take a stab at trying to control my Arduino ATMega with my Samsung Galaxy 10.1 tab. I have installed API 12 with SDK manager, the ADT plugin for Eclipse, and now I am following the instructions from Installing the Arduino software and necessary libraries (at Android Open Accessory Development Kit ) to install the firmware for the ADK board. When I hit compile it gives me two errors:

AutoStart Application not working properly

I am having a Simple AutoStart Application with TimerTask implementation, that works fine in almost many devices. The problem is that it is not working in Samsung Galaxy Y(2.3.6) and DELL XCD35(2.2) . When the device boots TimerTask works for some seconds and then shuts down. I check in the Application->Manage Application , I saw that the Applcation was already in Force Stop State. That means some how my Application gets stopped after some seconds. So, what is the reason for this weird behaviour in these two devices, if anyone has the solution do share it.

Maximum Size of SharedPreferences class

I want to save a lot of strings with SharedPreferences class . These strings are quit long. I really want to know the maximum length of a string that can be save in shared preferences in android.And Also How much size of data i can store in This SharedPrefernces class.

TextView setScaleX()/setScaleY() and setTextIsSelectable(true) selection

I have TextView and want to use setScaleX()/setScaleY() to make the text zoomable. But when I try to select some text by calling someTextView.setTextIsSelectable(true); and TextView has zoom other than 1.0f the text selection markers apprear in wrong place, it seems that the selection is shown in the old place of selected text.

Can I have both Wi-Fi and cellular network interfaces open at the same time on Android?

I'm working on an application that will run on a phone where the phone will be a station on a private Wi-Fi network. The phone will be a station, not an access point, and the private Wi-Fi network does not route to the Internet. My application needs to communicate with servers on the Internet as well as devices on the local Wi-Fi network, so it needs to have connections on both networks at the same time. I've been trying to figure out how to do this.

Custom Notification View

I would like to create a notification icon view that looks similar to the Google+ app's notification. The difference will be that I need to be able to change the color at runtime where as the Google+ icons gray or red so I'm assuming they are using a StateListDrawable.