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Showing posts with the label multivariate-testing

How do you mitigate risk when introducing multivariate testing into a dynamic web application?

My company is engaging with a multivariate testing vendor (I can't disclose which one just yet), and I am being asked to integrate their system into our flagship B2C commerce site. Usually, the word "integrate" is a heavy-duty term. However, here it means to add a <script> tag on several views, and then be out of the loop from that point forward. The mulitvariate experiments will be set up by our marketing department (and/or the vendor). Our development team will not be involved in that, and may not even be aware when it's happening. Essentially, I am being told to deliberately add a JavaScript-injection attack vector to our flagship application... and hope for the best. My concerns are not so much with malicious code as they are with inadvertent screw-ups. Our CSS and basic page layout is a mess already, and I anticipate catiching the heat when someone else's multivariate experiment blows up the home page look-n-feel, etc. Much more importantly, ther...