I've a silly problem. Depending on a the visibility of a div I want to set a hidden value if($('#crewMember').is(':visible')) { $('#visibility').attr('value', 'hidden') } else { $('#visibility').attr('value', 'visible') } This works. I've checked it via FireBug and I can see that the HTML has changed. But when I try to get this value after form submission I get the original value, not the changed value. echo $_POST['visibility'] //returns default value, not the adjusted valueHow come? How come? EDIT SOme example code <html> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $('#div').click(function() { $('#visibility').val('hidden'); $('#value').html('hidden value: ' + $('#visibility').val()); }); $('#value').html('hidden value: ' + $('#visibility').va...
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