I want to create a reusable component (a custom control) for the iPhone. It consists of several standard controls prearranged on a View, and then some associated code. My goals are: I want to be able to use Interface Builder to lay out the subviews in my custom control; I want to somehow package the whole thing up so that I can then fairly easily drag and drop the resulting custom component into other Views, without having to manually rewire a bunch of outlets and so on. (A little manual rewiring is fine, I just don't want to do tons and tons of it.) Let me be more concrete, and tell you specifically what my control is supposed to do. In my app, I sometimes need to hit a web service to validate data that the user has entered. While waiting for a reply from the web service, I want to display a spinner (an activity indicator). If the web services replies with a success code, I want to display a "success" checkmark. If the web service replies with an error code, ...
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