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Showing posts with the label delphi-7

Delphi DEC library (Rijndael) encryption

I am trying to use the DEC 3.0 library ( Delphi Encryption Compedium Part I ) to encrypt data in Delphi 7 and send it to a PHP script through POST, where I am decrypting it with mcrypt (RIJNDAEL_256, ECB mode). Delphi part: uses Windows, DECUtil, Cipher, Cipher1; function EncryptMsgData(MsgData, Key: string): string; var RCipher: TCipher_Rijndael; begin RCipher:= TCipher_Rijndael.Create(KeyStr, nil); RCipher.Mode:= cmECB; Result:= RCipher.CodeString(MsgData, paEncode, fmtMIME64); RCipher.Free; end; PHP part: function decryptMsgContent($msgContent, $sKey) { return mcrypt_decrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, $sKey, base64_decode($msgContent), MCRYPT_MODE_ECB, mcrypt_create_iv(mcrypt_get_iv_size(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB), MCRYPT_RAND)); } The problem is that the decryption from PHP doesn't work and the output is gibberish, differing from the actual data. Of course, Delphi Key and PHP $Key is the same 24 characters string. Now I know DEC 3.0 is old and ...