Hey guys im having a problem trying to program out a set of logic. I want to make a Go(the board game) problem. What i want my program to do is read in an xml file that represents a series of steps a person can make to complete the puzzle, or a even a dead end. So in the xml it would look something like <Step x="4" y="5"> <Response x="4" y="6" /> <Step x="3" y="6" victory="true"> </Step> </Step> <!-- This is a dead end --> <Step x="4" y="4"> <Response x="4" y="5" /> <Step x="5" y="5" defeat="true"></Step> <Step x="6" y="4" defeat="true"></Step> </Step> My thought is to make a link list of sorts where my xml handler(im using SAX) uses the step class to store a step inside a step, but i cant conceptualize how i would...
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