Easiest way to support multiple orientations? How do I load a custom NIB when the application is in Landscape?
I have an application in which I would like to support multiple orientations. I have two .xib files that I want to use, myViewController.xib and myViewControllerLandscape.xib. myViewController.xib exists in project/Resources and myViewControllerLandscape.xib exists in the root project directory. What I want to do is use a separate NIB (myViewControllerLandscape.xib) for my rotations. I try detecting rotation in viewDidLoad like this: if((self.interfaceOrientation == UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft) || (self.interfaceOrientation == UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight)) { NSLog(@"Landscape detected!"); [self initWithNibName:@"myViewControllerLandscape" bundle:nil]; } But I can see in gdb that this isn't executed when the app is started with the device in landscape. The NSLog message doesn't fire. Why is this? What have I done wrong? Also, if I explicitly put the initWithNibName function call in the viewDidLoad method, that nib is not loaded,...