I'm trying to add a voting function to each new element within the Infinite Scroll. I managed to get the voting functions working but this doesn't work with new elements loaded when scrolling down the page. Pastebin URL: http://pastebin.com/0eNYDXrm I've attached my code below. Any help or advice would be appreciated...Many Thanks! <script type="text/javascript"> $('.protected-post-form').center(); $('#content').infinitescroll({ debug: false, loading: {}, state: { currPage: "1" }, nextSelector: "div.navigation a:first", navSelector: "div.navigation", contentSelector: "#content", itemSelector: "#content div.post", pathParse: ["<?php echo $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST "] . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI "] ?>page/", "/"] }, function() { window.setTimeout(infinite_scroll_callback(), 1); }); function applyvote(elemen...
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