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Showing posts with the label appcelerator

Monotouch or Titanium for rapid application development on IPhone?

As a .Net developer I always dreamed for the possibility to develop with my existing skills (c#) applications for the Iphone. Both programs require a Mac and the Iphone Sdk installed. Appcelerator Titanium was the first app I tried and it is based on exposing some Iphone native api to javascript so that they can be called using that language. Monotouch starts at $399 for beeing able to deploy on the Iphone and not on the Iphone simulator while Titanium is free. Monotouch (Monodevelop) has an Ide that is currently missing in Titanium (but you can use any editor like Textmate, Aptana...) I think both program generate at the end a native precompiled app (also if I am not sure about the size of the final app on the Iphone as I think the .Net framework calls are prelilnked at compilation time in Monotouch). I am also not sure about the full coverage of all the Iphone api and features. Titanium has also the advantage to enable Android app development but as a c# developer I s...

image won"t show in tableView

I'm creating a tableView in appcelerator (Android) and I want to add an image to it. This is just a test because I also had some problems with it in my project and I wanted to try it out first somewhere else so I wouldn't ruin my whole project. I first added the standard png's to see if he would show those, and he did. But when I add a png that I've created, he refuses to show it in the tableView. Does someone know why he refuses to show the image? (I created that png in photoshop by changing one of the standard png's and adding my image to it.) var win = Titanium.UI.createWindow({ title:'tableViewRow', backgroundColor:'#fff' }); var regData = [ {leftImage:'KS_nav_ui.png', title:'gft', left:20, color:'black'}, {rightImage:'KS_nav_views.png', title:'grofvuil', left:20, color:'black'}, {leftImage:'glas.png', title:'glas', left:20, color:'black'} ]; var tbl = Titanium.UI...

Is Titanium 1.8 finally free from the memory starvation issue from release 1.6 and 1.7

Hi there Im new to mobile application development. I had developed Android apps using Java and is just starting to get the hang of Cocoa Touch and Objective C. Now I am curious on mobile web application development to create cross platform/device applications which would at least run on Android and iOS(Apple devices: iphone, ipad). I tried Titanium and developing applications with this framework seems very promising. Although it is very powerful, popular, mature, documented and very easy to learn I had doubts investing time and to commit on using this framework for my projects after reading this blog which many Titanium users seems to agree with Why you should stay away from appcelerators titanium . It seems that release v1.6 sdk and v1.7 sdk have the issue which they describe, the negative comments stopped right after the v1.8 sdk release was out. My question is, is Titanium v1.8 sdk free from the memory starvation issue and other issues which were discussed on the blog post? ...