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imagesx() and imagesy() error when creating tumbnail

I want to create thumbnail image for top posts automaticly. So I decided to resize current image of post with small sizes for using it as tumbnail using this - resize-class.php class and wrote the code like this:

// Include the class


$top_posts = mysql_query("In this query I select top posts - the most viewed posts of the day")

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($top_posts)){

$post_id = $row['post_id']; // defining the ID of the post as variable

$post_image = $row['post_image']; //defining the image of the post as variable

//save image

$resizeObj = new resize($post_image); // Initialise - load image

$resizeObj -> resizeImage(260, 210, 'exact'); // resizing $post_image with 'exact' option

$resizeObj -> saveImage('images/'.$post_id.'.jpg', 80); // saving thumbnail of $post_image to the storage


But returns the errors in loop like this:

Warning: imagesx() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in resize-class.php on line 34

Warning: imagesy() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in resize-class.php on line 35

Warning: imagecopyresampled() expects parameter 2 to be resource, boolean given in resize-class.php on line 77

What is the problem ?


  1. isn't $post_image should be a path for the image?
    if its actually the path of the image.. then I think there is something wrong with that path..
    try to echo $post_image and see what you get...


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