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Infinite scroll new element

I'm trying to add a voting function to each new element within the Infinite Scroll. I managed to get the voting functions working but this doesn't work with new elements loaded when scrolling down the page.

Pastebin URL:

I've attached my code below. Any help or advice would be appreciated...Many Thanks!

<script type="text/javascript">



debug: false,

loading: {},

state: {

currPage: "1"


nextSelector: "div.navigation a:first",

navSelector: "div.navigation",

contentSelector: "#content",

itemSelector: "#content",

pathParse: ["<?php echo $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST "] . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI "] ?>page/", "/"]

}, function() {

window.setTimeout(infinite_scroll_callback(), 1);


function applyvote(elements) {


$(".vote a").click(

function() {

var some = jQuery(this);

var thepost = jQuery(this).attr("post");

var theuser = jQuery(this).attr("user");"<?php bloginfo('template_url'); ?>/vote.php", {

user: theuser,

post: thepost

}, function(data) {

var votebox = ".vote" + thepost + " span";






$(elem).infinitescroll(options, applyvote(arrayOfNewElems));




  1. $(elem).infinitescroll(options, applyvote(arrayOfNewElems));

    The second argument to .infinitescroll is a callback function. applyvote(arrayOfNewElems) is a not a function but a function call (so it evaluates to whatever is returned by your calling the function, which seems to be undefined). Use this instead:

    $(elem).infinitescroll(options, applyvote);

    Now you're passing a function which inifinitescroll itself will call when new content is loaded, and it will pass the new elements created.


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