I have a HTML list of about 500 items and a "filter" box above it. I started by using jQuery to filter the list when I typed a letter (timing code added later): $('#filter').keyup( function() { var jqStart = (new Date).getTime(); var search = $(this).val().toLowerCase(); var $list = $('ul.ablist > li'); $list.each( function() { if ( $(this).text().toLowerCase().indexOf(search) === -1 ) $(this).hide(); else $(this).show(); } ); console.log('Time: ' + ((new Date).getTime() - jqStart)); } ); However, there was a couple of seconds delay after typing each letter (particularly the first letter). So I thought it may be slightly quicker if I used plain Javascript (I read recently that jQuery's each function is particularly slow). Here's my JS equivalent: document.getElementById('filter').addEventListener( 'keyup', function () { var jsStart = (new Date).getTime()...
Depending on your requirements, using the Google Docs Viewer might be a viable option. It's certainly plenty versatile.
ReplyDeleteNo, there is no native API provided by android, you can use some third party APIs to read pdf and all.
ReplyDeleteWebView mWebView = (WebView) findViewById( R.id.WebView01);
ReplyDeleteString pdfurl = ""; // Url of pdf or doc file.
String weblink="http://docs.google.com/gview?embedded=true&url="+pdfurl;
Some of them can open using default activity with ACTION_VIEW. For other we have to external API to open them. But i am not sure which one will definitely open using ACTION_VIEW but you can give a try to them by using URI.
ReplyDeleteBut most important thing as Saurabh Pareek said there is not native classes in
There are some Apps therefor, try DocumentsToGo or OfficeSuite Professional 5. The Pro Version of Quick Office will do that too.
ReplyDeleteYou can use 3rd-party apps that are installed on the Android device and use the Intents that they make available.
ReplyDeleteSomeone else has provided an answer with more information: http://stackoverflow.com/a/2927296/9903
You can use a mobile office tool such as QuickOffice or convert PPT to video.