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Website Screenshot (HTML5 Canvas / Services)

Alright all,

Been doing a bit of research and want to know if anyone else has tried this... and what approach would you take.

I'm planning on doing a website which will display a screenshot of a website (maybe based on the url in someones email address).

There's going to be alot of people getting this so, pre-production of the screenshots isn't a solution.

Soooooo... does anyone know of any solutions:

  1. Thumbnail service that builds on demand (no queuing)?

  2. HTML5/Canvas script that will let me do this. I've found one but it won't run cross site.

  3. Any other solution?

It'll be built in PHP.



Source: Tips4allCCNA FINAL EXAM


  1. This site is the best you will get right now with regard to a client side script. It uses the calculated properties of elements to render a page, and I must say it looks good!

    A demo here: . Click to toggle the 'real' view with the rendered image.

  2. I've played about with wkhtmltoimage before, it was pretty good for what I was using it for, but does require you to install onto your server

  3. You can use html2canvas. More information here.


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