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Using Visual Studio Intellisense for building jQuery selector strings

This is a minor issue, but one I find myself running into:

When I am using jQuery in Visual Studio 2010, I find myself frequently typing:


using Intellisense to find the SomeID object ID:

$(#SomeID).click( function() { etc.. })

then going back and adding quotes:

$('#SomeID').click( function() { etc.. })

I find it annoying that if I add the quote first, Visual Studio goes into string mode and I lose Intellisense for finding the object's ID or class.

Am I doing it wrong?

Source: Tips4allCCNA FINAL EXAM


  1. Unfortunately Intellisense for jquery on VS2010 is far from perfect,
    It has various problems like the one you mentioned above and it is knowN to cause performance issues within VS itself, for me typing at times was unbearably slow.
    You could always create some snippets to speed up your worklow, but unfortunately that wont actually fix your problem with the intellisense. Lets hope they release a fix for this in their first service pack.


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