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PHP script - detect whether running under linux or Windows?

I have a PHP script that may be placed on a windows system or a linux system. I need to run different commands in either case.

how can i detect which environment i am in? (preferably something php rather than clever system hacks)

sorry sorry!! the script is running from the command line!!!!

Source: Tips4allCCNA FINAL EXAM


  1. Check the value of the PHP_OS constantDocs.

    It will give you various values on Windows like WIN32, WINNT or Windows.

    See as well: Possible Values For: PHP_OS and php_unameDocs:

    if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN') {
    echo 'This is a server using Windows!';
    } else {
    echo 'This is a server not using Windows!';

  2. The php_uname function can be used to detect this.

    echo php_uname();

  3. not the most robust way to do a test, but you can check if the directory seperator is / (linux) or \ windows. the constant name is DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR

    if (DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR == '/') {
    // linux

    if (DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR == '\') {
    // windows

  4. From :

    echo '<table border="1">';

    foreach ($_SERVER as $k => $v){
    echo "<tr><td>" . $k ."</td><td>" . $v . "</td></tr>";

    echo "</table>"

    This is the entire $_SERVER array... as ArtWorkAD has noted, by using the HTTP_USER_AGENT key, you can extract the OS more explicitly.


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