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Pass parameters in setInterval function

How to pass parameter while call a function using setInterval. viz. setInterval('funca(10,3)',500); is incorrect.

Source: Tips4allCCNA FINAL EXAM


  1. You need to create an anonymous function so the actual function isn't executed right away.

    setInterval( function() { funca(10,3); }, 500 );

  2. You can use an anonymous function;

    setInterval(function() { funca(10,3); },500);

  3. Quoting the arguments should be enough:

    OK --> reloadIntervalID = window.setInterval( "reloadSeries('"+param2Pass+"')" , 5000)

    KO --> reloadIntervalID = window.setInterval( "reloadSeries( "+param2Pass+" )" , 5000)

    Note the single quote ' for each argument.

    Tested with IE8, Chrome and FireFox

  4. You can pass the parameter(s) as property of the function object, not as a parameter:

    var f = this.someFunction; //use 'this' if called from class
    f.parameter1 = obj;
    f.parameter2 = this;
    f.parameter3 = whatever;
    setInterval(f, 1000);

    Then in your function someFunction, you will have access to the parameters. This is particularly useful inside classes where the scope goes to the global space automatically and you lose references to the class that called setInterval. With this approach "parameter2" in "someFunction", in the example above, will have the right scope.

  5. This is not exactly the same parameters as I read here:

    I'm a bit confused ...

  6. This works setInterval("foo(bar)",int,lang); Jon Kleiser lead me to the answer.

  7. Add them as parameters to setInterval:



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