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Issue with mobile website

I have a mobile version of my site that I have an issue with. My main site is (let's say) and my mobile site is (let's say)

I have common js/css and images I use for both and I don't want to duplicate the files to either both sites. if I need to update I don't want to copy over and over or just forget to upload the other file.

My mobile site is setup in a sub folder of my main site /mobile so i have is the same as

is there an easy way to not duplicate/copy over and over the images/js?

Source: Tips4allCCNA FINAL EXAM


  1. Create symblink from the parent folder:

    Using ssh or plesk or cpanel:

    shell:/path/to/www/mobile> ln -s ../js/
    shell:/path/to/www/mobile> ln -s ../images/
    shell:/path/to/www/mobile> ln -s ../css/

    This will create a symbolic link from your main site so you only have to uploads the file from your main site and automatically the mobile will get updated.

    So when you access the /js/file.js in your mobile site it will look for the symblink which is the main /js/file.js.

    Also I would recommend to use this rule (from your main site - .htaccess) in case the /mobile/ is accessed from a bot or a user.

    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^$ [NC]
    RewriteRule ^mobile/?$ [R=301]

  2. Use CSS to modify the content so you that you don't have to create the same thing twice


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