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Is there a lax, permissive XML parser for PHP?

I'm looking for a parser that will allow me to successfully parse broken xml, taking a "best guess" approach - for instance.

something <b>with</b> bogus<br>
markup not wrapped in CDATA

Ideally, it will yield a thingy object, with a description property and whatever tag soup inside.

Other suggestions on how to attack the problem (other than having valid markup to start with) welcome.

Non-php solutions (Beautiful Soup (python) for instance) are not outside the pale, but I'd prefer to stick to the prevailing skill-set in the company


Source: Tips4allCCNA FINAL EXAM


  1. You could use DOMDocument::loadHTML() (or DOMDocument::loadhtmlfile()) to convert your broken XML to proper XML. If you don't like dealing with DOMDocument objectsThen use saveXML() and load the resulting XML string with SimpleXML.

    $dom = DOMDocument::loadHTMLfile($filepath);
    if (!$dom)
    throw new Exception("Could not load the lax XML file");
    // Now you can work with your XML file using the $dom object.

    // If you'd like using SimpleXML, do the following steps.
    $xml = new SimpleXML($dom->saveXML());

    I've tried this script:

    $dom = new DOMDocument();
    if (!$dom)
    $nodes = $dom->getElementsByTagName('description');
    for ($i = 0; $i < $nodes->length; $i++)
    echo "Node content: ".$nodes->item($i)->textContent."\n";

    The output when executing this from the CLI:

    carlos@marmolada:~/xml$ php test.php

    Warning: DOMDocument::loadHTMLFile(): Tag thingy invalid in badformatted.xml, line: 1 in /home/carlos/xml/test.php on line 3

    Warning: DOMDocument::loadHTMLFile(): Tag description invalid in badformatted.xml, line: 2 in /home/carlos/xml/test.php on line 3
    Node content:
    something with bogus
    markup not wrapped in CDATA


    edit: some minor corrections and error treatment.

    edit2: Change to non-static call to avoid E_STRICT error, added test case.

  2. One alternative is to use the Tidy HTML library (PHP binding here) to clean the HTML first. That survives quite a lot of fairly hideous input, and I've seen people use it for scraping rather ropey HTML before.


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