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How to install iPhone application in iPhone Simulator

I have a file - an iPhone application developed by xcode.

How do I run this (only file) application using my xcode?

Source: Tips4allCCNA FINAL EXAM


  1. I have just found that you don't need to copy the mobile application bundle to the iPhone Simulator's folder to start it on the simulator, as described in the forum. That way you need to click on the app to get it started, not confortable when you want to do testing and start the app numerous times.

    There are undocumented command line parameters for the iOS Simulator, which can be used for such purposes. The one you are looking for is: -SimulateApplication

    An example command line starting up YourFavouriteApp:

    /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/Applications/iPhone\\ Simulator -SimulateApplication path_to_your_app/

    This will start up your application without any installation and works with iOS Simulator 4.2 at least. You cannot reach the home menu, though.

    There are other unpublished command line parameters, like switching the SDK. Happy hunting for those...

  2. Select the platform to be iPhone Simulator then click Build and Go. If it builds correctly then it will launch the simulator and run. If it does not build ok then it will indicate errors at the bottom of the window on the right hand side.

    If you only have the app file then you would need to manually install that into the simulator. The simulator was not designed to be used this way, but I'm sure it would be possible, even if it was incredibly difficult.

    If you have the source code (.proj .m .h etc) files then it should be a simple case of build and go.

  3. I see you have a problem. Try building your app as Release and then check out your source codes build folder. It may be called Release-iphonesimulator. Inside here will be the app. Then go to (home folder)/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator (if you can't find it, try pressing Command - J and choosing arrange by name). Go to an OS that has apps in it in the iPhone sim, like 4.1. In that folder there should be an Applications folder. Open that, and there should be folders with random lettering. Pick any one, and replace it with the app you have. Make sure to delete anything in the little folders!

    If it doesn't work, then I'm dumbfounded.


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