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How to access the jQuery event object in a Seaside callback

Basically, I want to translate the following into Seaside Smalltalk:

$(".myDiv").bind('click', function(e) {

Besides that I don't want to console.log the event, but access it in my ajax callback.

The most promising approach seemed to be something like

html div
onClick: (html jQuery ajax callback: [:v | self halt] value: (???);
with: 'Foo'.

But I couldn't find any way to access the event that caused the callback. Intuitively, I would try

html jQuery this event

for the ??? part, but the Seaside jQuery wrapper doesn't know any message that comes close to event .

Any help is appreciated. There has to be away to access the event data...

Source: Tips4allCCNA FINAL EXAM


  1. To serialize the x mouse coordinate of the event use the following code:

    html div
    onClick: (html jQuery ajax
    callback: [ :x | x inspect ]
    value: JQEvent new pageX);
    with: 'Click'.

    There are other properties in the event object that you might be interested in, just serialize them with the same AJAX request by adding multiple callback:value: constructs in a cascade.

    In the very latest JQuery code you can use html jQuery event to create the event object. This was missing up to now.


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