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ffmpeg for a android (using tutorial: "ffmpeg and')

I am trying to compile ffmpeg for a android. I have found several posts on this theme but non of these seems to work. If tried to build ffmpeg like it is posted on [1]. Did anybody successfully compile ffmpeg using theses tutorial? I am not sure how to realize step 4 to 5.

STEP4: Configuring ...

STEP5: cd to your NDK root dir, type make TARGET_ARCH=arm APP=ffmpeg-org

It seems to me that building an application like it is explained in the tutorial in step 5 need some previous steps. Unfortunately I have no app in the folder to make. I am using the current android ndk release 3 and checked out the actual ffmpeg releases from [3] and [4]. I am thankful for every advice.




Source: Tips4allCCNA FINAL EXAM


  1. After looking around the net. The only working solution I found is supplied by Bambuser which ported ffmpeg to use in their android application.

    Code is here:

    Basically you copy the .so files to your jni/lib directory, along with any .h files you might need, create a JNI wrapper through javah, and it works.


  3. I found a guide on ffmpeg on android here:

    He explains in another post how he got to do native programming on android to install ffmpeg. Hope it helps.


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