How do you calculate the number of input boxes with no value in a table row using jquery?
<table id="table1">
<tr class="data" id="row5">
<td><input type="text" value="20%" /></td>
<td><input type="text" value="10%" /></td>
<td><input type="text" value="" /></td>
<td><input type="text" /></td>
I'm looking for answer = 2
Source: Tips4all, CCNA FINAL EXAM
Even that the OP claimed the answer as correct and working, this comes from the api doc:
ReplyDeleteSome other elements, on the other hand, are empty (i.e. have no children) by definition: input, img, br, and hr, for example.
So actually, it should be impossible to do it with the :empty selector.
or to be more specific:
even more specific:
You can do like:
ReplyDeletealert($('#table1 input:text[value == ""]').length);
$('tr :text[value=""]').length
$('#table1 tr').each(function() { alert($(this).find(':text[value=""]').length) });
quick demo.