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Can Mustache Templates do template extension?

I'm new to Mustache.

Many templating languages (e.g., Django / Jinja ) will let you extend a "parent" template like so...


{% block content %}{% endblock %}


{% extends "base.html" %}
{% block content %}<h1>Foobar!</h1>{% endblock %}

I'm aware of Mustache's partials (e.g., {{>content}} ), but those seem to be just includes .

Does template extension exist for Mustache? Or, failing that, is there at least some design pattern that effectively turns includes into template extension equivalents.

Source: Tips4allCCNA FINAL EXAM


  1. I recently found myself in the same boat, except I came from a mako background.

    Mustache does not allow for template extension/inheritance but there are a few options available to you that I know of.

    You could use partials:

    Hello {{name}}

    You could inject template pre-processing functions into the context for each template that needs to inherit from some other page:

    Hello {{name}}


    "name": "Walden",
    "extendBase": function() {
    return function(text) {
    return "<html><head></head>" + render(text) + "</body></html>"

    Prepend and append the desired HTML to the relevant pages in your controller.
    Have a layout template ala:


    And render the body in your controller, passing that to the layout template as a variable named body.
    Implement template inheritance, pre-mustache, in your code that loads templates.

    I wouldn't, however, use the triple mustache because I don't want unescaped HTML to be appearing anywhere, it's just too risky in my opinion.

    If someone else has a better solution to this problem I'd love to hear it as well, since I haven't yet taken the plunge in any one of these directions.

  2. You could use variables containing HTML. A "triple mustache" like {{{variable}}} will return unescaped HTML. It's not exactly the same as template extensions, but you could render frontpage-content.html and then put its output in a content variable that gets passed to base.html.

    (I added -content to the frontpage.html filename with the expectation that such a naming pattern will help keep the filenames manageable.)

  3. If you're happy with a server-side only code, Nun is a Mustache-like templating system with extends functionality via its 'template overrides' feature - modelled on django. While it works, however, it is no longer maintained by its author.


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