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Accessing custom options of an order in Magento via PHP

I'm loading an order like this:

$order = Mage::getModel('sales/order')->load(2886);
$items = $order->getAllItems();

Then I use a foreach loop:

foreach ($items as $itemId => $item){
$name[] = $item->getName();

And I am able to get most of the data I need. However, I'm having problems getting the custom options that were selected for the order. I can see the data in a var dump, but I have had no success in mining it out. I've also tried a handful of built in functions that I found via google, but no luck.

Source: Tips4allCCNA FINAL EXAM


  1. matt (OP) already self-answered the question.


    EDIT: Found it!

    I was able to get what I needed by using:

    $opts = $item->getProductOptions();

    Within my foreach loop. A var_dump on that shows how to access the data easily.

    Note: It's absolutely OK to self-answer your own question. Please just post it as an real answer, but not in a question or comment. Posting as real answer helps to keep the "Unanswered" list more clear (avoids making other people wasting their time). Thank you.


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