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How to select all textareas and textboxes using jQuery?

How can I select all textboxes and textareas, e.g:

<input type='text' />



on a page and have the property style.width="90%"; applied to them?

Source: Tips4all


  1. $('input[type=text], textarea').css({width: '90%'});

    That uses standard CSS selectors, jQuery also has a set of pseudo-selector filters for various form elements, for example:

    $(':text').css({width: '90%'});

    will match all <input type="text"> elements. See Selectors documentation for more info.

  2. Password boxes are also textboxes, so if you need them too:

    $("input[type='text'], textarea, input[type='password']").css({width: "90%"});

    and while file-input is a bit different, you may want to include them too (eg. for visual consistency):

    $("input[type='text'], textarea, input[type='password'], input[type='file']").css({width: "90%"});

  3. $("**:**input[type=text], :input[type='textarea']").css({width: '90%'});


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