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Android Market, Search results position Mystery

How is an app's position in the Android Market search results determined? Is it as mysterious and complex as Google Web search results?

We obviously don't want to change any words in our app's title or description that would hurt our position.

Same question applies for not only search results, but when clicking on a Category in the Android Market. How is the order of the list determined?

Hopefully someone here can help. I would think that Google would have published some guidelines at least that could help, but I haven't found anything yet.


  1. Search result ranking— there is purposefully no publicized documentation, to minimize the chances of gaming the system.

    Category top paid/free ranking— again, there is purposefully no publicized documentation, but it's a combination of several metrics, several of which quantify application 'popularity.'

  2. My theory is that the total to active install ratio is very important. So, the obvious approach is to target customers who don't know how to uninstall apps :)


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