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Online PHP interpreter / tester

I'm looking for online PHP interpreter / tester (something like for JavaScript).

Are you familiar with one ?



    The system allows full access to all PHP functions - no restrictions and no safe mode. Many common extensions are loaded and available for use. Security is provided on an OS level by strict user permissions inside a setuid chroot jail protected by system call tracing, which should all be transparent to PHP code. You can write files in the /temp folder, but they will be periodically deleted.

    The Profile code option will use XDebug to trace every function call in your code and measure the time taken, and will also use VLD to generate a full opcode listing to see how PHP executes your code 'under the hood'!

  2. Try:

  3. You can also host your own:

    Jordi Boggiano's Blog - PHP Console in Your Browser

  4. Found this from a Google search,


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