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How can I check website security for free?

I've heard that there are some free applications that will check the vulnerability of a PHP website, but I don't know what to use. I'd like a free program (preferably with a GUI) for Windows that will analyze my site an give me a report.

Anyone know of a solution?


  1. There are only certain security holes you can check for with any program. You can check your PHP configuration, Apache configuration, passwords, common bugs, etc. but you can't really check programatically for logic errors which might cause security holes.

    Your best bet would be to do a thorough code review of the website. Or, better yet, have several other people do a thorough code review of the website, looking for security holes.

  2. Top 10 Web Vulnerability Scanners from (listing from 2006). Their number one, Nikto2, can be found here.

  3. Netsparker Community Edition does that and it's free (GUI + Windows).

  4. I'm a little late to the party, but since you specifically asked for easy to use and not-too-technical scanners, take a look at Golem Technologies website security scanner - the full scan isn't free, but they have a demo scan which checks about 10% of a site and will catch a lot of the common vulnerabilities.

  5. This is another one, but as previously stated, nothing beats a professional eye-over:


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