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Y axis positioning

I have added extra y axis in the graph. When i am trying to display the graph the added Y axis is not visible. I am able to draw graph with that y axis. How can i make that Y axis visible?

My code is as below..

CPTXYAxis *rightY = [[CPTXYAxis alloc] init];

rightY.coordinate = CPTCoordinateY;

rightY.orthogonalCoordinateDecimal = CPTDecimalFromFloat(3600 * 7);

//rightY.majorGridLineStyle = lineStyle;

rightY.axisLineStyle = lineStyle2;

[rightY setAxisTitle:[[CPTAxisTitle alloc] initWithText:@"New Axis" textStyle:whiteText]];

rightY.gridLinesRange = [[CPTPlotRange alloc] initWithLocation:CPTDecimalFromInt(0) length:CPTDecimalFromInt(15)];

rightY.plotSpace = plotSpace1;

NSMutableArray *newAxes = [graph.axisSet.axes mutableCopy];

[newAxes addObject:rightY];

graph.axisSet.axes = newAxes;

[newAxes release];

[graph addPlotSpace:plotSpace1];


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